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Ask Doctor Dawn
In the podcast,
Dr. Dawn Motyka
discusses health news and research and answers your emails

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From the studios of
KSQD, Santa Cruz, 90.7 FM
Hear Dr. Dawn live every Thursday at 6 pm

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File: 2024-07-26.mp3   Right click, "Save Link As" to download
  Topics for Jul 26, 2024:      
  • Broadcast from KSQD, Santa Cruz on 7-25-2024: Dr. Dawn discusses the importance of magnesium as an essential electrolyte, often overlooked in standard medical tests. She explains its role in energy production, protein synthesis, and various bodily functions. She covers common causes of magnesium deficiency, including certain medications, chronic conditions, and dietary factors. Dr. Dawn provides advice on recognizing and addressing low magnesium levels. Dr. Dawn responds to an email about severe allergic reactions to insect bites, suggesting potential causes, including leukemia, and bullous pemphigoid and recommending further medical investigation. Another listener's email about chronic gastrointestinal issues is addressed, with Dr. Dawn offering suggestions for diagnosis and treatment, including pancreatic enzyme supplementation and microbiome testing. The show explores recent developments in gene editing technology, specifically a new technique called CHARM that could potentially turn off disease-causing genes like those responsible for prion diseases. Dr. Dawn answers a question the differences between gelatin and vegetarian options. The health implications of coconut oil and other dietary fats are briefly touched upon, with Dr. Dawn providing her perspective on oil consumption. Are gluten free foods really gluten free? A recent analysis suggests widespread contamination with glyphosate (Round-up) and gluten in these commercial products. Who is minding the store? Lastly, the show covers recently identified and unexpected unintended genetic changes resulting from CRISPR gene editing technology, highlighting recent research and its implications for food safety and genetic modification.
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